We’re Back or Boy, Was That Horrible!

I hope you guys were going a little crazy without us. I missed you all a lot. Our server went down on Wednesday morning and we have spent the week/weekend (and when I say “we”, I mean “my poor husband”) moving us into a new home with a super awesome web host that can handle our daily needs and has actual real life people to support us.

I was unable to login and update this week so we will be a little off schedule, but nothing too horrible! If I have learned anything, I have learned that I have the most wonderful and patient readers. I hope you all stuck around for us to get back up.

If you have a moment, please say hi! I have been having comment withdrawal… a very sad and complicated disease!

Published June 08, 2010 by:

Amy Allen Clark is the founder of MomAdvice.com. You can read all about her here.

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