7 Promises I’m Making to My Kids This Summer

From our marriage & parenting contributor, Mary Carver.

7 Promises I'm Making to My Kids This Summer

For the past several summers I’ve created a bucket list for my family. I’ve scoured local event calendars, scrolled through Pinterest, and subscribed to all the summer fun newsletters I can find. I’ve juggled schedules and friend groups and work projects and vacation days, and I’ve been DETERMINED to make each summer THE BEST ONE EVER.

Some summers have been more successful than others, but every summer ended with me realizing that bucket lists are not my friend.

I love lists, and I function better in general with a list.

But my summer bucket lists always end up feeling like goals or assignments, and I end up stressing out – and stressing out my family – to cross things off that list.

So this summer I’m taking a different approach. And instead of a whole bucket list of ALL THE THINGS TO DO, I’m making some simple promises to my kids.

7 Promises I’m Making to My Kids This Summer

1. I won’t sign up for every library program, since I know full well we won’t make it to 90% of them.

Actually, this is a promise to the library, too.

2. I will take you to the library to get more books, even if you haven’t read the ones we already have checked out.

Because, really?

What does it matter if we have a giant stack of books at home?

We love books in our house! And the library is fun.

And I am not going to squash that with an arbitrary rule about not checking out new books until we finish the old ones. (Especially since a rule like that makes me a big, old hypocrite. Ahem.)

3. We will eat popsicles and drink lemonade. They may or may not be homemade.

Here’s the thing: If we chop up some lemons and drop them into the came-from-a-mix pitcher of lemonade, IT WILL STILL BE DELICIOUS AND REFRESHING.

And if I save my sanity by buying popsicles rather than making them and losing my mind when I try to get them out of the popsicle trays?

We all win.

4. I won’t plan elaborate science experiments or field trips for every free day of the summer.

I’m not saying we won’t go anywhere or do anything.

We might do a science experiment or a craft project.

We might go on a field trip or a road trip.

But I’m not about to tell you about it weeks in advance and spend hours on details that will go directly down the toilet the minute my plans meet reality.


Not gonna do it!

5. I will take you to the pool.

And I will wear a swimsuit (and a smile) when I do it.

We’re in a weird place right now, trying to sell our house and move.

So I’m not sure if we’ll be going to the city pool (if we’re still in our current house) or the neighborhood pool (if we’ve moved into the new house).

But we will go to SOME POOL, SOMEWHERE.

And I will not let them hear me complain or see my grimace about the heat, the sweat, the sun or the swimsuit I’m wearing.

6. When I’m not working, I will close the computer and put down my phone.

Because I work part-time from home, I have a lot of choices when it comes to summertime childcare. (And I promise that even when I’m stressed or frustrated or WHATEVER by my summertime childcare options, I am always aware of the privilege it is to have choices. And I’m grateful.)

While it’s important that I decide between theater camp or a robotics class, between daycare or a babysitter, the most important choice I make each summer is what I will make most important.

How will I prioritize?

How will I balance?

How will I make sure my kids know they are more important than work and chores and lists and rules?

That’s not to say my work isn’t important.

That’s also not to say it’s not important for my kids to see me working.

But it IS important to me that when I’m not working, I’m not working. When I’m with my kids, when it’s playtime, I’m with my kids for playtime. I’ve never been good at this, so I figure now is a good time to try again.

7. We will have fun, and we will like it.

And speaking of playtime…we will have some of that!

I will let go and laugh.

I will relax and be refreshed.

I will enjoy my kids and myself and this season and this life.

I will have fun, with my kids, and we will like it!

At least once this summer.

What promises are you making this summer?




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Published May 24, 2016 by:

Mary Carver is a writer, church planter, wife, mom and recovering perfectionist. She writes about her imperfect life with humor and honesty, encouraging women to give up on perfect and get on with life at www.givinguponperfect.com. She also contributes to incourage.me andMothersofDaughters.com, and she'd love to connect with you onFacebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Instagram.

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