Amy’s Notebook 09.18.13

Chocolate Chip Oatmeal Breakfast Cookies

Source: Skinny Taste


These healthy chocolate chip oatmeal breakfast “cookies” are amazingly made with just three ingredients – yum!

Honey chai-flavored roasted almonds just might become our new favorite snack.

I’m seeing a lot of pumpkin crafts, but this rolled-paper pumpkin tutorial was new to me and is so clever and cute!

This airplane themed boy’s birthday party is so fun and would work for lots of ages – I love the adorable favor bags and could see this with vintagey colors like grey and red as well.

Thinking of hopping on the gold bandwagon in home decor? Here’s a glimpse of 10 homes that get using gold right.



I hope you enjoyed this collection of gathered links to DIY crafts, food projects, and thrifty ways to spruce up your home. Nothing brings me more joy then to highlight other fabulous bloggers. Follow me on Pinterest for daily inspiration!


Published September 18, 2013 by:

Amy Allen Clark is the founder of You can read all about her here.

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